In The Mixx: DJs Doing Work

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fox Sports Writer Blames Hov for Aaron Hernandez Alleged Murder

In The Mixx: DJs Doing Work

Fox Sports Writer Blames Hov for Aaron Hernandez Alleged Murder


Fox News columnist Jason Whitlock stirred up controversy with one of his recent pieces, which claims that Jay Z is somehow responsible for the alleged criminal actions of Aaron Hernandez. He argues that poisonous Hollywood culture has overtaken athletic culture in sports, and sent our beloved sporting pastimes to derailment.

“Al Capone is a bigger deal than Babe Ruth. Aaron Hernandez is a reflection of where we are as a society,” writes Whitlock. “Like Allen Iverson and an endless plethora of fatherless and directionless modern athletes since the end of Michael Jordan’s reign, Hernandez saw his athletic gifts as a platform to represent where he was from, not where he hoped to go. He repaid the 860. He kept it real. He stayed true to his boyz from the ‘hood. He mimicked the mindset of the pop-culture icons we celebrate today. Jay Z is the new gold standard. The whole sports world played along with Jigga Man’s charade of NBA ownership. Now Kevin Durant and other athletes are flocking to Hova’s sports agency. An unrepentant, flamboyant former drug dealer has the White House, President Obama-stamped seal of approval…Rappers and musicians are rebels. They look normal in prison tattoos and white Ts. We can no longer distinguish bad from good. We no longer even aspire to be good; it has considerably less value. That’s what Aaron Hernandez represents, to me.”

Source: Bossip

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