In The Mixx: DJs Doing Work

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

“I Hope She Is Surrounded By Good People”: Alicia Keys Concerned Rihanna Will Be Exploited

In The Mixx: DJs Doing Work

“I Hope She Is Surrounded By Good People”: Alicia Keys Concerned Rihanna Will Be Exploited


In a recent interview, Alicia Keys said she hopes Rihanna is surrounded by “good people,” so that she won’t fall victim to exploitation within the music industry.

Asked her opinion of the young pop star in an interview with the London Evening Standard , Keys said she admires Rihanna’s “style” and the fact she is “so unapologetic.” But Keys also voices concerns about young artists who work too hard.

“It’s such a tricky, crazy business, and when people are a little bit younger than me, I’m always hoping that their soul is good ’cause it can be such a soulless space,” she said. “Who’s really loving you and making sure that you’re ok? Because everybody wants to make sure you’re ok when they can get something from you, and they’re getting a percentage from you. But they don’t technically care if you’re ok. They just wanna make sure you can stand so you can go to work. So naturally I am always thinking about people and hoping that in this very soulless place they can find completion.”

Keys admits she doesn’t know Rihanna personally, but hopes she is being looked after properly by her team.

“I don’t know her personally like that. But I do know there’s a lot of good people at Roc Nation (Rihanna’s management company). And I do think that as we all get older, you start to be able to say, ‘No, I’m not gonna take that from you any more.’ So… I’m proud of Rihanna. Because it’s not easy to stand up in this crazy world and make it and keep going and try new things. And find your way through it.”


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